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HANNOVER MESSE an ideal showcase for Industrie 4.0

HANNOVER MESSE an ideal showcase for Industrie 4.0

Industrie 4.0 and HANNOVER MESSE are closely intertwined. More than ten years ago, the term “Industrie 4.0” celebrated its premiere at the Hannover-based tradeshow. Since then, the topic has developed and evolved. But what’s next? Visitors to the show can find out –...

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Top 5 Robot Trends 2023

Top 5 Robot Trends 2023

Source: International Federation of Robotics - IFR The stock of operational robots around the globe hit a new record of about 3.5 million units – the value of installations reached an estimated 15.7 billion USD. The International Federation of Robotics analyzes the...

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< 2021 >

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