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euROBIN 1st Coopetition

euROBIN 1st Coopetition

25-28 Nov 2024, Nancy, France (after Humanoids 2024) An European Robotics League Competition The euROBIN network proposes the novel concept of robot cooperative competition focused on the three main application domains defined in the robotics roadmap of Horizon...

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7th Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT)

7th Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT)

Welcome to the Seventh Iberian Robotics Conference! We're thrilled to invite you to join us at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid from November 6 to 8, 2024, for an exciting exploration of the latest advancements in robotics. The conference will cover a wide array...

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Top 5 Robot Trends in 2024

Top 5 Robot Trends in 2024

The stock of operational robots around the globe hit a new record of about 3.9 million units. This demand is driven by a number of exciting technological innovations. 1 – Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning The trend of using Artificial Intelligence in...

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    Av. Partenón, Nº 5, 28042 Madrid

    MetalMadrid es la feria líder en innovación industrial que cada año, y en sólo 2 días, presenta los últimos adelantos y novedades para la industria del hoy y del mañana: Maquinaria, componentes, subcontratación, suministros, ingenierías, materiales, robótica, tratamiento de superficies, composites, fabricación aditiva y mucho más. ¡Un total de 570 empresas expositoras y 9.000 visitantes profesionales reunidos para liderar la transformación industrial!

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