25-28 Nov 2024, Nancy, France (after Humanoids 2024)

An European Robotics League Competition

The euROBIN network proposes the novel concept of robot cooperative competition focused on the three main application domains defined in the robotics roadmap of Horizon Europe:

• Robotic manufacturing for a circular economy
• Personal robots for enhanced quality of life and well-being
• Outdoor robots for sustainable communities

Each application domain correspond to one coopetition league.  euROBIN’s cooperative competitions are based on a scoring system that gives credit to a team for its own achievements in executing tasks and for the successful usage by other teams of modules developed by the team. The latter approach promotes cooperation, effectively encouraging module transferability and reusability.

Teams from any institution or multi-institution, including institutions external to the project consortium, are invited to apply to participate in this exciting robot competition.

Deadline to submit qualification materials: 8 July 2024.

Check all details in


For more information, email eurobin-coopetition@dlr.de

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