Theme Cluster

Robotics is a broad spectrum industry offering services and applications for many social and economic needs (health, food and agriculture, Environment, Energy, Transport, natural resources industries, digital transformation, defence and security, etc.)

There are some specific themes, around which, Hisparob members get organised to work together forming theme clusters, following their business or research interests.

Marketing Robotic Products

Air Robotics

Collaborative Robotics

Educational Robotics

Transport and Logistics Robotics

Marine Robotics

Medical and Welfare Robotics

Defence and Security Robotics

< 2022 >
April 27
  • 27

    Jornada Virtual – Intelligent robotics in construction industry

    11:00 -14:00

    El próximo 27 de abril, a las 11:00 h, tendrá lugar la Jornada Virtual: Intelligent robotics in construction industry organizada por RoboCity2030. Una cita de gran interés dado el contenido de las ponencias y el nivel de los participantes. Para inscribiros al evento debéis hacerlo en el siguiente enlace. Posteriormente se enviará la url del evento a las personas registradas. El programa lo podéis descargar en este enlace.

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