Once again, the Factories of the Future Awards 2022 are back in Barcelona. From 29 to 31 March, Advanced Factories will once again host these awards, which recognise the work, leadership and transformation of those companies that are committed to innovation and adapt to the new era of Industry 4.0.

After receiving more than 170 nominations in the last edition, the Factories of the Future Awards 2022 open the registration period for those companies, universities, suppliers, researchers, startups, technology parks, innovation centres, etc., who want to submit their innovative project. Those interested have until 25 February to participate through the following link.

The Factories of the Future Awards 2022 will award a total of 6 prizes in the following categories:

  • Leadership in the digital transformation of the industrial plant: an award that recognises those companies that have carried out a transformation of their processes by incorporating digitisation and 4.0 technologies (cybersecurity, Digital Twin, IoT, Industrial Cloud, Data Analytics, automation…) in their operations or management areas.
  • Most disruptive startup in the industrial field: Recognises startups and entrepreneurial projects less than 6 years old that have a value proposition in the industrial field.
  • Best industrial equipment or system for the factory of the future: The award is aimed at those supplier solutions that enable the implementation of advanced machinery or innovative systems that incorporate digitalisation and automation in industries as a key element for competitiveness.
  • Research and development of Artificial Intelligence applied to industrial plants: This award recognises projects that show the transformative impact of the use of natural language processing and Machine Learning technologies in cross-cutting areas such as computer vision, maintenance, assistants or contactless solutions. Their combination with process robotisation solutions (RPA) will also be valued.
  • Best robotics project: Recognises robotics projects in SMEs or large industrial corporations, as well as projects focused on the field of innovation, research and development (R&D&I) between industrial companies, technology centres or robotics manufacturers, and projects for industrial robotics solutions or collaborative robotics that have been carried out on production lines through integration systems.
  • Award for Excellence in sustainability, industrial eco-development and circular economy: This category is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations and is aimed at recognising the best projects in the field of industrial sustainability that promote the development of more efficient and sustainable production processes, the optimisation of the product life cycle, the recyclability and reuse of waste, decarbonisation, or the reduction of the carbon footprint of the final product and its production process.

In the last edition, Factories of the Future Awards 2021, these awards recognised the work of companies such as Ford, Ferrovial, Metron and the startup Color Sensing.



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