Marine Robotics


The oceans, which cover 70% of the earth’s surface, host many natural resources. With the increasing global shortage of land surface resources, the use of the ocean’s marine resources is becoming increasingly desirable.

The complexity of the environment and its extreme conditions create difficulties in carrying out missions and economic activities. The development of robotics makes it possible to carry out some activities that were not possible for humans. Therefore, it is crucial to develop remotely operated robots and underwater systems that allow the sustainable use of marine resources.

The Marine Robotics theme cluster (GTRM), brings together the members of HispaRob interested in the development, certification and marketing of platforms, systems and equipment for the development of robots and autonomous marine and underwater systems (UUVs, USVs, ROVs, etc.). They are also interested in their design and manufacture and in their applications and services in the marine and underwater environment.


< 2022 >
  • 07

    10:00 -12:00

    Human-Robot Collaboration is a key factor in the field of industrial robotics for the development of the factories of the future and advance towards the Industry 4.0 paradigm.

    In this last training session of the Sharework project we will introduce some basic concepts of the implementation of Human-Robot Collaborative systems and the advantages of its wide deployment into the industry. In addition, four use cases implemented in four companies in the transport, capital goods and metal sector will be presented, highlighting the potential of collaborative robotics in operators’ ergonomics and wellbeing, as well as the benefits from the production side.


The GTRM aims to boost the growth of marine and underwater robotics. To achieve this, we have set ourselves the following objectives:

  • Improve the growth of the marine and underwater robotics industry, creating synergies between the different technological areas involved:

– Platforms and vehicles
– Navigation and control Systems
– Sensors and actuators
– Communication systems
– Propulsion Systems
– Materials

  • Promoting autonomous marine and underwater robots and systems by taking advantage of industry opportunities for startups following EU blue growth initiatives.
  • Identify industrial and commercial opportunities and technologies that will be needed for application in these major areas:

– Ocean exploration and description
– Identification and use of resources
– Protection and conservation of the marine environment
– Installation, operation, maintenance and dismantling of offshore industries

Who is the group formed by:

The Maritime Robotics Cluster (GTR Marítima) is constituted by different entities that have a relationship with underwater robots throughout its life. The member entities of the WG include:

  • Designers and manufacturers of marine equipment and systems
  • Designers and manufacturers of autonomous and remote robots and vehicles.
  • Educational centres.
  • Providers of services related to robots and autonomous or remote vehicles underwater.
  • Distributors
  • Others.

Entidad coordinadora: 

< 2022 >
  • 07

    10:00 -12:00

    Human-Robot Collaboration is a key factor in the field of industrial robotics for the development of the factories of the future and advance towards the Industry 4.0 paradigm.

    In this last training session of the Sharework project we will introduce some basic concepts of the implementation of Human-Robot Collaborative systems and the advantages of its wide deployment into the industry. In addition, four use cases implemented in four companies in the transport, capital goods and metal sector will be presented, highlighting the potential of collaborative robotics in operators’ ergonomics and wellbeing, as well as the benefits from the production side.

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