Joining Forces to Boost AI adoption in Europe: BDVA, the Big Data Value Association and euRobotics, the European Robotics Association, publish today a joint Strategic Agenda for a European AI PPP.

Europe has a strong and growing economy in the areas of robotics and big data. Integrated value chains together with a combination of key enabling technologies gives AI the power to transform the economy as well as the society, to preserve European values while taking advantage of technological developments demands a responsible use of AI.

As a response to the Commission Communication on AI published in December 2018 and as committed in the joint Vision Paper in March 2019, BDVA and euRobotics publish today the Consultation Version of their joint Strategic Research, Innovation and Deployment Agenda (SRIDA) strategy: A focal point for collaboration on Artificial Intelligence, Data and Robotics.

The objective of the Consultation Release SRIDA is to bring together the stakeholders from the European AI Innovation Ecosystem to achieve a consensus on the way forward in advancing AI in Europe developing strong foundations for a European Public-Private Partnership on AI.

BDVA and euRobotics have officially presented this joint strategy during an event organised today in Brussels, The event called “Joining Forces to Boost AI adoption in Europe”.  has attracted a good mix of representatives from the European Commission, EU member states and regions, as well as from industry and research.

The presidents of both associations, Thomas Hahn, BDVA, and Bernd Liepert, euRobotics, emphasize that “No single initiative, no single country, no single company, or market segment can address this vision alone.” This SRIDA is not a “one time shot”, but is meant to be discussed, reviewed and developed further with the help of a network of stakeholders, and in collaboration with different industrial, academic, and social initiatives – driven by BDVA and euRobotics. Building on this solid foundation we set up a  collaboration with different initiatives – not only industry-driven initiatives but also academic and social initiatives. Bernd Liepert and Thomas Hahn “strongly believe that Collaboration on different levels with different partners is the key to success!”

The full Strategic Research, Innovation and Deployment Agenda for a European AI PPP can be downloaded here

A common contact e-mail is also established to engage other commuinities:

About euRobotics

euRobotics AISBL (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif) is a Brussels based international non-profit association for all stakeholders in European robotics with about 250 members from Industry (robot manufacturers, service providers, and end users) and research (universities and research organisations). euRobotics is the Private side of the SPARC Public Private Partnership with the European Commission. It aims to strengthen competitiveness and provide industrial leadership  for manufacturers, providers and end users of robotics technology, systems and services;

It aims to promote the widest and best possible uptake of robotics technologies and services for professional and private use and promotes the excellence of European robotics.

Further information at

About BDVA

BDVA is an industry-driven international not–for-profit organisation with 200 members all over Europe and a well-balanced composition of large, small, and medium-sized industries as well as research and user organizations. BDVA is the private counterpart to the European Commission to implement the Big Data Value PPP program.  BDVA and the Big Data Value PPP pursue a common shared vision of positioning Europe as the world leader in the creation of Big Data Value. BDVA is also a private member of the recently created EuroHPC Joint Undertaking.

The mission of the BDVA is to develop the Innovation Ecosystem that will enable the data and AI-driven digital transformation in Europe delivering maximum economic and societal benefit, and, achieving and sustaining Europe’s leadership on Big Data Value creation and Artificial Intelligence. BDVA enables existing regional multi-partner cooperation, to collaborate at European level through the provision of tools and know-how to support the co-creation, development and experimentation of pan-European data-driven applications and services, and know-how exchange.

Further information at

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