Educational Robotics


HispaRob members interested in education and robotics have created a theme cluster in Educational Robotics. We are a diverse group, made up of manufacturers of educational robots, educational companies, large distributors and retailers of robots, parts and services for educational purposes, associations and educational organizations, etc.




< 2023 >
March 1
  • 01

    Empack and Logistics & Automation Bilbao

    All day

    Mobile World Congress 2023

    10:00 -19:00
    Av. Joan Carles I, 64, 08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona
    Av. Joan Carles I, 64, 08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona

    HispaRob participará en la mesa redonda “Usos de la robótica innovadores para la industria y la sociedad”, que se celebrará el día 1 de marzo en el Pabellón de España del Mobile World Congress (27 de febrero – 2 de marzo en Fira, Barcelona), considerada la feria más influyente del mundo para la industria de la conectividad.

    Esta mesa, que ha sido posible gracias a la colaboración con la entidad, se celebrará a las 14:30 horas del próximo miércoles 1 de marzo y contará con los/as siguientes ponentes:

    • Jorgina Díaz: Directora de Desarrollo de Negocio – Robótica de Alysis
    • Pablo Viñas: División Sistemas, área de Bienestar y Dalud de Cartif
    • Ricardo Muñoz: Departamento TIC y STEAM de Prodel, S.A.
    • María Jesús Goikoetxea Iturregu: Profesora de Ética Universidad Deusto
    • Pilar Bejarano: PMO Manager de Sisteplant
    • Modera Francesco Ferro: CEO y co-fundador de PAL Robotics


    Consulta la agenda donde puedes encontrar toda la información sobre actividades y contenidos del Pabellón de España en MWC23:


We work to achieve a quality education and training in robotics both in schools and in our society. To do so we participate in different activities. Our main action points are:


“Travel Kits” Free loans for teaching robotic tools

Our members have borrowed various robotic educational materials and distributed them in boxes that rotate through different schools. The objectives are to facilitate access to these materials, encourage teachers to know how to work with them and create a community around this project that shares and viralizes their experience.

Workshops, seminars, conferences

Our Theme Cluster participates in different events on Educational Robotics. Sometimes we are invited to share the educational work we do and we also organize our own seminars, such as the HispaRob Robotics Day in 2016. In addition, we do workshops and presentations in educational institutions where we explain more deeply this field, in order to be introduced and integrated in education.

Participation in the educational community

Since the creation of this group, we are in constant and permanent dialogue with the educational community, especially with teachers.

Spanish participation in the European Robotics Week (ERW)

We coordinated the Spanish participation in the European Robotics Week ERWEEK, organized by the European Association of EuRobotics.
We collaborate in the promotion of these events both on this website and in the social media and also organize our own activities within it.


  • We encourage and support sharing best practices and collaboration between educational robotics companies even with competitors.
  • We think that diversity in perspectives, ideas and materials that each and everyone of us brings, guarantees quality and ads value to the whole society.
  • We feel educational robotics should be for all and that it facilitates childhood inclusion and comprehensive development.
  • We practice dialog and collaboration among trainers and teachers, educational institutes, authorities, families, industry, robotic companies, universities, research institutions. This will result in a high quality educational environment for robotics.
  • We advocate for having Educational Robotics included in course contents.
  • We want to make visible the potential that computational thinking, robotics and programming, has, to move education forward.
< 2023 >
March 1
  • 01

    Empack and Logistics & Automation Bilbao

    All day

    Mobile World Congress 2023

    10:00 -19:00
    Av. Joan Carles I, 64, 08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona
    Av. Joan Carles I, 64, 08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona

    HispaRob participará en la mesa redonda “Usos de la robótica innovadores para la industria y la sociedad”, que se celebrará el día 1 de marzo en el Pabellón de España del Mobile World Congress (27 de febrero – 2 de marzo en Fira, Barcelona), considerada la feria más influyente del mundo para la industria de la conectividad.

    Esta mesa, que ha sido posible gracias a la colaboración con la entidad, se celebrará a las 14:30 horas del próximo miércoles 1 de marzo y contará con los/as siguientes ponentes:

    • Jorgina Díaz: Directora de Desarrollo de Negocio – Robótica de Alysis
    • Pablo Viñas: División Sistemas, área de Bienestar y Dalud de Cartif
    • Ricardo Muñoz: Departamento TIC y STEAM de Prodel, S.A.
    • María Jesús Goikoetxea Iturregu: Profesora de Ética Universidad Deusto
    • Pilar Bejarano: PMO Manager de Sisteplant
    • Modera Francesco Ferro: CEO y co-fundador de PAL Robotics


    Consulta la agenda donde puedes encontrar toda la información sobre actividades y contenidos del Pabellón de España en MWC23:

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