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< 2022 >
  • 01

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    Factory Innovation Week is a combination of 3 exhibitions for future factory technologies.  SMART FACTORY Expo – manufacturing DX technology/solution exhibition, RoboDEX – robotics & automation technology exhibition and GREEN FACTORY Expo – green factory technology/solution exhibition compose Factory Innovation Week.  All the latest future factory technologies & solutions will gather in Factory Innovation Week!

  • 02

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    Factory Innovation Week is a combination of 3 exhibitions for future factory technologies.  SMART FACTORY Expo – manufacturing DX technology/solution exhibition, RoboDEX – robotics & automation technology exhibition and GREEN FACTORY Expo – green factory technology/solution exhibition compose Factory Innovation Week.  All the latest future factory technologies & solutions will gather in Factory Innovation Week!

  • 03

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    Factory Innovation Week is a combination of 3 exhibitions for future factory technologies.  SMART FACTORY Expo – manufacturing DX technology/solution exhibition, RoboDEX – robotics & automation technology exhibition and GREEN FACTORY Expo – green factory technology/solution exhibition compose Factory Innovation Week.  All the latest future factory technologies & solutions will gather in Factory Innovation Week!

  • 07

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  • 08

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