Air Robotics


Air Robotics theme cluster is a group of HispaRob members involved in development, certification and commercialisation of products and services related to Air Robots, Drones, UAVs, etc.


Create an environment of collaboration and creativity, so that all members identify needs and create synergies.

Promote and facilitate the organization of the group’s activities to increase the visibility of its members.

Establish ourselves as the reference group of the Spanish Air Robotics.

To be a valid speaker before public institutions to update the standardization and certification of this type of robots for their uses in civil engineering and other civil works.


There are no documents.

< 2022 >
April 27
  • 27

    Jornada Virtual – Intelligent robotics in construction industry

    11:00 -14:00

    El próximo 27 de abril, a las 11:00 h, tendrá lugar la Jornada Virtual: Intelligent robotics in construction industry organizada por RoboCity2030. Una cita de gran interés dado el contenido de las ponencias y el nivel de los participantes. Para inscribiros al evento debéis hacerlo en el siguiente enlace. Posteriormente se enviará la url del evento a las personas registradas. El programa lo podéis descargar en este enlace.

Member companies in this cluster may belong to the following groups:

  • Air robot, drones, UAVs, manufacturers, etc.
  • Education companies and those certified to provide education.
  • Companies which provide services related to Air Robots.
  • Distributors, large retailers and authorised partners.
  • Associations, institutions, agencies and other entities.
  • Other.

Companies in this group:

Coordinating Entity: 

< 2022 >
April 27
  • 27

    Jornada Virtual – Intelligent robotics in construction industry

    11:00 -14:00

    El próximo 27 de abril, a las 11:00 h, tendrá lugar la Jornada Virtual: Intelligent robotics in construction industry organizada por RoboCity2030. Una cita de gran interés dado el contenido de las ponencias y el nivel de los participantes. Para inscribiros al evento debéis hacerlo en el siguiente enlace. Posteriormente se enviará la url del evento a las personas registradas. El programa lo podéis descargar en este enlace.

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