PAL Robotics is joining the humanoid robotics community next week in Birmingham, at Humanoids 2017. Top stakeholders and researchers will participate in three days of debates that deepen on the potential and challenges that humanoid robots have nowadays.

Bipedal humanoids have always been at the heart of PAL Robotics, which is why we are Gold Sponsors of Humanoids 2017. We endorse this ambitious robotics field, since it enormously contributes to the whole robotics state of art and opens multiple possibilities for a future of service robots.

For the first time TALOS is joining the team that travels to the UK, altogether with REEM-C and TIAGo. The high-performance robot TALOS is the next step PAL Robotics made in bipedal robots after the proven reliability of the also human-sized REEM-C.

Where do we envision humanoid robots? What will they be capable of? The workshop “Humanoid Robot for Real Applications Use” is rising a debate on the next steps that have to be done in the field. As experts in bipeds and in robust walking control, our CEO will share our know-how with the workshop participants.

One of the papers that will be presented there is: “TALOS: A New Humanoid Research Platform Targeted for Industrial Applications”, by Olivier Stasse et al. It describes TALOS’ kinematics design, which enables the robot to adapt to a human environment and perform industrial tasks. High quality components are pointed out, such as the torque sensors in all joints or the EtherCAT communication bus inside. 

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