11th International
Micro Air Vehicle
Competition and Conference
1st – 4th October in Madrid 2019

IMAV, born in Europe in 2009, started to be spread worldwide in Beijing 2016 and next in Melbourne 2018. IMAV currently gather around 200 researcher all over the world to demonstrate their capabilities for fulfilling new challenges in drone autonomous missions in both outdoors and indoors competitions. Additionally thee are two more days for technical and comercial conferences, a drone fair and 4 outstanding Keynotes.

For the first time IMAV will take place in Madrid-Spain.

Outdoor competition (Oct. 1st): Valdelaguna airport.
Indoor competition, Conferences, Fair & Keynotes (Oct. 2nd, 3rd, 4th): School of Industrial Engineering – UPM

Company representatives, academics and general public can attend the competitions and conferences using limited tickets sold at: https://www.eventbrite.es/e/entradas-imav-2019-72354374883

Noticia enviada por UPM

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