Transport and Logistics Robotics


The objective of a theme cluster is to support the launch of the ‘call for proposals’ of EU Robotics members (members or non-members of EURobotics AISBL). To do this, we will follow the H2020 roadmap, with an eye on the calls for proposals. We will also participate in the definition of future themes.

Logistics and transport range from the production of products and goods, to the display in shops. The functions related to this group are:

  • Processing of raw materials in the factory.
  • Operations of sending the final products to the warehouses and logistics platforms.
  • Operations of receiving, storing and preparing orders, and shipping to storage facilities and intermediate processing partners.
  • Transport operations (by truck, train, ship or plane)
  • And the final operations in the retail consumption centers.


< 2025 >
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Some of the key technologies that will determine transformation of logistics process flows are:

  • Indoor, algorithms and location systems.
  • Safe autonomous navigation in human-robot collaboration and with other robots.
  • Multi robot Coordination and collaboration systems (fleets).
  • Mobile manipulation.
  • Identification Systems for processes or transportation of materials (vision, RFID…etc)


  • Encourage collaboration and inject dynamism among the platform members to boost participation in projects with public financing.
  • Diffusion and dissemination of group activities.
< 2025 >
  • No Events

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