
We are at the gates of a new robotic revolution.

By the 2020s-2030s, robots are expected to land massively in multiple production sectors, beyond industrial. Robotic technologies are already integrated into industry, agriculture, medicine and assistance, transport, security, energy, environment, leisure, education, etc. In addition, robots are very complex machines that involve the work of numerous professionals and companies.

The Spanish Robotics Technology Platform, HispaRob, is a forum in which the different actors involved in the development, promotion and integration of robotic technologies in all areas of our society converge.

< 2022 >
April 04 - April 10
  • 04
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  • 05
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  • 06


    14:00 -17:00

    En el evento se presentarán varias técnicas de percepción para aumentar el conocimiento y las habilidades de los robots colaborativos para percibir, comprender y razonar sobre el entorno que les rodea. Los conceptos presentados incluirán varias tecnologías y metodologías para mejorar la capacidad del robot para la detección de objetos y humanos en el entorno, identificar la postura y las actividades de los humanos y comprender el comportamiento humano o modelar los movimientos deseados para nuestros robots.

  • 07
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  • 08
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  • 09
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  • 10
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