
Mobile Manipulation Hackathon

The Mobile Manipulation Hackathon is a remote competition open to any Academic, Research or Industrial Organisation interested in mobile manipulation. Hackathon participants will be able to extend the capabilities of TIAGo and TIAGo++ and demonstrate their...

H2020-Information and Communications Technologies Call 2018-2020

El objetivo es reforzar las fortalezas europeas en el área de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación para aprovechar las oportunidades que surgen en los nuevos mercados impulsados por los avances en las tecnologías.

Tipos de acciones: Coordinación y Apoyo (CSA) Investigación e Innovación (RIA); Innovación (IA).

Destacamos los siguientes topics relacionados con las tecnologías robóticas:

Topic: ICT-08-2019: Security and resilience for collaborative manufacturing

Types of action: RIA Research and Innovation action
Opening date: single-stage 16 October 2018
Deadline: 28 March 2019 17:00:00

Topic: ICT-09-2019-2020: Robotics in Application Areas

Types of action: RIA Research and Innovation action, IA Innovation action, CSA Coordination and support action
Opening date: single-stage 16 October 2018
Deadline: 28 March 2019 17:00:00

Topic: ICT-10-2019-2020: Robotics Core Technology


Types of action: RIA Research and Innovation action
Opening date: single-stage 16 October 2018
Deadline: 28 March 2019 17:00:00

Más información 

Tercera convocatoria bilateral España-Egipto bajo el programa ESIP

Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: para la fase de solicitud Internacional, los participantes deberán presentar en CDTI y en STDF simultáneamente, hasta las 23:59 del 15 de abril de 2019 Se abre la tercera llamada conjunta España-Egipto (ESIP 2019) para la...

< 2019 >
November 25 - December 01
  • 25
    No events
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    ICSR 2019 - Internacional Conference on Social Robotics

    All day

    The 11th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2019) brings together researchers and practitioners working on the interaction between humans and intelligent robots and on the integration of robots into the fabric of our society.

    Social robots are intended to coexist with humans and engage in relationships that lead them to a better quality of life. The success of these relationships relies on a positive perception of the robots that can be achieved by their behavior through AI, computational models, or robot embodiments. ICSR2019 aims to foster discussion on the development of innovative ideas, novel applications and relevant studies that contribute to the integration of social robots in our daily society.

  • 27

    ICSR 2019 - Internacional Conference on Social Robotics

    All day

    The 11th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2019) brings together researchers and practitioners working on the interaction between humans and intelligent robots and on the integration of robots into the fabric of our society.

    Social robots are intended to coexist with humans and engage in relationships that lead them to a better quality of life. The success of these relationships relies on a positive perception of the robots that can be achieved by their behavior through AI, computational models, or robot embodiments. ICSR2019 aims to foster discussion on the development of innovative ideas, novel applications and relevant studies that contribute to the integration of social robots in our daily society.

  • 28

    ICSR 2019 - Internacional Conference on Social Robotics

    All day

    The 11th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2019) brings together researchers and practitioners working on the interaction between humans and intelligent robots and on the integration of robots into the fabric of our society.

    Social robots are intended to coexist with humans and engage in relationships that lead them to a better quality of life. The success of these relationships relies on a positive perception of the robots that can be achieved by their behavior through AI, computational models, or robot embodiments. ICSR2019 aims to foster discussion on the development of innovative ideas, novel applications and relevant studies that contribute to the integration of social robots in our daily society.

  • 29

    ICSR 2019 - Internacional Conference on Social Robotics

    All day

    The 11th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2019) brings together researchers and practitioners working on the interaction between humans and intelligent robots and on the integration of robots into the fabric of our society.

    Social robots are intended to coexist with humans and engage in relationships that lead them to a better quality of life. The success of these relationships relies on a positive perception of the robots that can be achieved by their behavior through AI, computational models, or robot embodiments. ICSR2019 aims to foster discussion on the development of innovative ideas, novel applications and relevant studies that contribute to the integration of social robots in our daily society.

  • 30
    No events
  • 01
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