
El objetivo general de la Plataforma es contribuir al posicionamiento de España como uno de los líderes mundiales en robótica, promoviendo iniciativas orientadas al desarrollo de productos y servicios robóticos innovadores, comercializables y útiles para la sociedad.

Objetivos específicos

  • Coordinar iniciativas dirigidas a vincular los esfuerzos investigadores con la creación de productos y servicios robóticos comercializables y útiles para la sociedad.
  • Promover la generación de iniciativas empresariales en robótica.
  • Promover la generación de proyectos de investigación en cooperación.
  • Aumentar la visibilidad de la robótica como solución a algunos de los problemas que se plantean en diversos ámbitos de la sociedad.
  • Analizar de manera estratégica las aplicaciones relacionadas con la robótica que serán útiles para la sociedad y que constituyen una oportunidad de negocio.
  • Ser un foro abierto de encuentro de empresas, universidades, centros de investigación, centros tecnológicos y usuarios
  • finales, así como de las distintas administraciones con interés en la robótica.
  • Contribuir al aumento de las posibilidades de internacionalización de los asociados.
  • Coordinación con organizaciones internacionales relacionadas con la robótica.
  • Contribuir a la generación de empleo y riqueza, mediante la creación de empresas de base tecnológica.
< 2019 >
noviembre 25 - diciembre 01
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    No hay eventos
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    ICSR 2019 - Internacional Conference on Social Robotics

    Todo el día

    The 11th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2019) brings together researchers and practitioners working on the interaction between humans and intelligent robots and on the integration of robots into the fabric of our society.

    Social robots are intended to coexist with humans and engage in relationships that lead them to a better quality of life. The success of these relationships relies on a positive perception of the robots that can be achieved by their behavior through AI, computational models, or robot embodiments. ICSR2019 aims to foster discussion on the development of innovative ideas, novel applications and relevant studies that contribute to the integration of social robots in our daily society.

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    ICSR 2019 - Internacional Conference on Social Robotics

    Todo el día

    The 11th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2019) brings together researchers and practitioners working on the interaction between humans and intelligent robots and on the integration of robots into the fabric of our society.

    Social robots are intended to coexist with humans and engage in relationships that lead them to a better quality of life. The success of these relationships relies on a positive perception of the robots that can be achieved by their behavior through AI, computational models, or robot embodiments. ICSR2019 aims to foster discussion on the development of innovative ideas, novel applications and relevant studies that contribute to the integration of social robots in our daily society.

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    ICSR 2019 - Internacional Conference on Social Robotics

    Todo el día

    The 11th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2019) brings together researchers and practitioners working on the interaction between humans and intelligent robots and on the integration of robots into the fabric of our society.

    Social robots are intended to coexist with humans and engage in relationships that lead them to a better quality of life. The success of these relationships relies on a positive perception of the robots that can be achieved by their behavior through AI, computational models, or robot embodiments. ICSR2019 aims to foster discussion on the development of innovative ideas, novel applications and relevant studies that contribute to the integration of social robots in our daily society.

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    ICSR 2019 - Internacional Conference on Social Robotics

    Todo el día

    The 11th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2019) brings together researchers and practitioners working on the interaction between humans and intelligent robots and on the integration of robots into the fabric of our society.

    Social robots are intended to coexist with humans and engage in relationships that lead them to a better quality of life. The success of these relationships relies on a positive perception of the robots that can be achieved by their behavior through AI, computational models, or robot embodiments. ICSR2019 aims to foster discussion on the development of innovative ideas, novel applications and relevant studies that contribute to the integration of social robots in our daily society.

  • 30
    No hay eventos
  • 01
    No hay eventos

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