Mission and Objectives

The overall objective of the Platform is to contribute to the positioning of Spain as one of the world leaders in robotics, promoting initiatives aimed at the development of innovative, marketable and useful robotic products and services for society.



  • Coordination of initiatives to connect research efforts with new commercially innovative products with an added value for our society.
  • To promote new business ventures in robotics.
  • To promote new joint research projects.
  • To increase visibility of Robotics as a solution for some of various social environments challenges.
  • Strategic analysis of future robotics applications and business opportunities.
  • To be an open network for businesses, universities, R&D centers, end users and, also, public institutions interested in robotics.
  • To help our associates increase their internationalization opportunities.
  • Coordination with International robotics organisations.
  • Contribute to generate new employment and wealth by increase the possibilities for the creation of new tech companies.
< 2021 >
  • 01

    12:00 -13:30

    El próximo jueves 1 de julio de 2021, a las 12:00 h, se celebrará el primer webinar organizado por el Grupo Temático de Robótica Médica y Asistencial de HispaRob, GT ROMA, con el título “La Robótica Social en la atención de personas mayores y dependientes”. Se abordará la Robótica Social en la atención de los mayores y dependientes, madurez de la tecnología, ejemplos prácticos, resultados obtenidos, lecciones aprendidas y posibilidades de Futuro.

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