By PAL Robotics:

Last week we were delighted to participate in The IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids) as Silver Sponsors. We took part in four workshops, and we also presented the legged system of our Kangaroo robot which is in development, and the quadruped robot SOLO12 to visitors at our booth. We were fortunate to have the chance to participate in this internationally recognized prime event of the humanoid robotics community. Read on to find out more about the conference in Japan!

The IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots was established in 2000 and is held annually. The Humanoids Conference is a forum for researchers working in the area of humanoid robots including mechatronics, control, perception, planning, learning, human-robot interaction, biomechanics, artificial intelligence, cognition, and neuroscience.

PAL Robotics has previously taken part in Humanoids Conferences around the world, including in Toronto, Beijing, Seoul, and Madrid.

Workshops on topics including agile humanoid robots locomotion, development and design and Trajectory Optimization

We took part in the workshops “Can We Build Baymax?,” “Development and Design Pipelines – from First Ideas to Well-Functioning Robots”, “Agile Humanoid Locomotion: from Animation Characters to Real Robots,” and “Advancements in Trajectory Optimization and Model Predictive Control for Legged Systems.”

Read more about each of these workshops:

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