Benefits for Associates

  • Belong to a highly professional network, contact point for collaborations.
  • Promotion and dissemination of member news and activities through all our resources (web, news, SM).
  • Good visibility in trade shows, workshops and other events.
  • Receive relevant information of the industry: calls for funding, papers or innovation, robotics news, member’s new products, events, etc.
  • Support to prepare calls and proposals for research and investigation and for internationalization projects.
  • Membership of our Theme clusters.

Hisparob is a non profit organization. Member contributions are needed to assure stability and the continuity of our activities. Annual member contribution is 350€.

< 2022 >
  • 10:00 -12:00

    Human-Robot Collaboration is a key factor in the field of industrial robotics for the development of the factories of the future and advance towards the Industry 4.0 paradigm.

    In this last training session of the Sharework project we will introduce some basic concepts of the implementation of Human-Robot Collaborative systems and the advantages of its wide deployment into the industry. In addition, four use cases implemented in four companies in the transport, capital goods and metal sector will be presented, highlighting the potential of collaborative robotics in operators’ ergonomics and wellbeing, as well as the benefits from the production side.


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